Working on computers in today’s world, almost regardless of your actual job, you are expected to perform at a certain level with regard to personal admin and in particular with regard to computer usage and performance. Computer skill, being as broad a topic as it is, often does not come into play in employee training unless referring to a particular toolset or program. It is hardly ever seen that general computer use is trained with the aim at productivity and not just CBT (Computer Based Training) for other subjects. Over the next few posts I will go into a few possible benefits of this productivity training with some examples of techniques that could be taught or at least self taught to help get the most from a work day.

Computers are now so commonplace in the workplace that if someone is seen not sitting in front of a screen, the first assumption is that they are not currently working. Regardless of the validity of that assumption, the point I am aiming at here is the explosion of computer use and using this knowledge to address the subject of computer training or where training falls short for the common computer user.

I will also aim a bit more specifically at productivity training as a general level of computer skills is usually a prerequisite for the jobs and positions in question. The concern being the amount of time lost sitting behind a terminal which could either be cut down dramatically with some simple concepts and tools, or at least bolstered with a boost of productivity.