Let’s start with VMWware
Here is the site I worked with, otherwise the details follow bwlow:
Here are the 32bit and 64bit downloads.
Install required packages build-essential, linux-kernel-headers and linux-kernel-devel
sudo aptitude install build-essential linux-kernel-headers (don't need linux-kernel-devel for uBuntu 9.04)
Navigate to where the .bundle VMWare file is, then type this in
gksudo bash ./VMware-Workstation-6.5.0-118166.i386.bundle (or whatever the file name is you downloaded)
Then you get the normal install process and usually defaults are fine.
When it’s up, don’t forget to finish off with: echo 'xkeymap.nokeycodeMap = true' > ~/.vmware/config
to get the keyboard running right.
Then disable checking for updates with the VMWare player… if you do a player update, it removes Workstation.
Then if the problem occurs in w windows vm with the strange mouse click behavior, uninstall the vmware-tools mouse driver and let it install the standard ps2 version.
That should be all you need.