I have recently started renting a virtual server with wonderfully simple setup steps and it was up and running in no time… the only provlem however being that I was planning to current installation to this server but it runs on Ubuntu version 8.04 (Hardy) and mine on 9.10 (Karmic).
After instantly trying a dist-upgrade I realised this would not be as simple a task, but never fear… just FGI as a friend once said, and I came across trhe solution from ubuntu themselves…
Here are the details for now… when I do it myself I should expand on this but he link should suffice until then.
Ok… so, it’s remarkably simple actually… just use the terminal, edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades to say:
Then just run the upgrade tool:
sudo do-release-upgrade
Follow the instructions… and that’s it…
Finally, to do the next (8.10 to 9.04) and final (9.04 to 9.10) just run the upgrade tool again each time and follow the related instructions…
Of course it is best to do this on a fresh installation otherwise remember to backup any settings files setup asks you about just in case you decide to overwrite the wrong one…